Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Dorsiflexion-The extending of the foot or the toes upward
Plantar Flexion- The flexing of the foot or the toes downward
Weight- A measure of the heaviness of an object
Flex- the act of bending or the condition of being bent
Depression – lowering shoulder blades
Bending- a flexure or curve; a flexed or curved part
Extension- The act of straightening or extending a flexed limb
Force – a push or pull
Frontal plane-lateral movement
Specific Weight- weight per unit of volume
Anterior – toward front of the body
Posterior – toward back of the body
Sagittal plane – in which forward and backward movement occurs
Joint flexibility – relative ranges of motion allowed at a joint in different directions
Joint stability – ability of a joint to resist abnormal displacement of the articulating bones
Weight bearing exercise – exercise that involves stress on the body to bear weight
Stress – force unit of area over which the force acts
Rectilinear – along a straight line
Abduction – movement away from the midline
Radial deviation – deviation of the wrist towards the radius
Ulnar deviation – deviation of the wrist towards the ulna

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