Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Dorsiflexion-The extending of the foot or the toes upward
Plantar Flexion- The flexing of the foot or the toes downward
Weight- A measure of the heaviness of an object
Flex- the act of bending or the condition of being bent
Depression – lowering shoulder blades
Bending- a flexure or curve; a flexed or curved part
Extension- The act of straightening or extending a flexed limb
Force – a push or pull
Frontal plane-lateral movement
Specific Weight- weight per unit of volume
Anterior – toward front of the body
Posterior – toward back of the body
Sagittal plane – in which forward and backward movement occurs
Joint flexibility – relative ranges of motion allowed at a joint in different directions
Joint stability – ability of a joint to resist abnormal displacement of the articulating bones
Weight bearing exercise – exercise that involves stress on the body to bear weight
Stress – force unit of area over which the force acts
Rectilinear – along a straight line
Abduction – movement away from the midline
Radial deviation – deviation of the wrist towards the radius
Ulnar deviation – deviation of the wrist towards the ulna

Skill Drills

Squat - squatting builds joint stability and joint flexibility, your quads and hamstrings which effectively improves all three of these skills because it allows you to remain in your offensive line stance for longer periods of time.

Jammer - the jammer is a free weight machine that imitates the motion of the punch to the defender in both the run block and down block, this builds strength and speed behind the punch.

Medicine Ball Throws - medicine ball throws helps to build the habit of keeping the hands up, speed, and strength behind the punch of a pass set.