Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Run Block - Prep

Before a play an offensive lineman would stand at the line of scrimmage, this is the prep phase, seen from the sagittal plane, before getting into his offensive line stance.

Run Block - Stance

Athlete then gets into his offensive line stance. Athlete will keep a stagger with his left foot anterior and right foot posterior, with his feet abducted shoulder width apart. Knees bent in a squat-like position. His back will be straight, shoulder blades depressed to keep head up and hand extended out in front of him onto the ground.

Run Block - 1st Movement

Athlete will take his 1st step with his right foot. Heel replacing toe and keep foot dorsiflexed during each step.  Arms will be hyperflexed keeping the elbows tight, and hands in radial deviation (in the "hip pockets.") Athlete should keep an athletic knee bend with his back straight.

Run Block - 2nd Movement

Athlete will then take a 2nd step with the left leg, keeping his neck flexed so that his head is up. Elbows are still adducted together, arms are flexed and hands are still in the middle of the chest . Athlete should still have the same knee bend and straight back.

Run Block - Finish


Athlete will then deliver a blow with his hands applying his maximum amount of force by fully extending his arms. This will be where the athlete takes on the specific weight of the defender.

Down Block - Prep

Before a play an offensive lineman would stand at the line of scrimmage, this is the prep phase before getting into his offensive line stance.

Down Block - Stance

Athlete then gets into his offensive line stance. Athlete will keep a stagger with his left foot anterior and right foot posterior, with his feet abducted shoulder width apart. Knees bent in a squat-like position. His back will be straight, shoulder blades depressed to keep head up and hand extended out in front of him onto the ground.

Down Block - 1st Movement

Athlete will then take his first angular step with his left foot and stressing his weight on the insteps, his head following the step. Elbows will shoot into hyperextension and hands are in the "hip pockets."

Down Block - 2nd Movement

Athlete will then take his 2nd step, forcing his head across the defender. It's still key to keep your elbows tight, hands inside your chest, and knees bent.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Down Block - Finish

Athlete will then deliver a strong blow to the opponents shoulder with his outside hand by fully extending his arm, the other hand will be used to drive the hip. This will be where the athlete makes contact with the defender.

Pass Set - Prep

Before a play an offensive lineman would stand at the line of scrimmage, this is the prep phase before getting into his offensive line stance.

Pass Set - Stance

Athlete then gets into his offensive line stance. Athlete will keep a stagger with his left foot anterior and right foot posterior, with his feet abducted shoulder width apart. Knees bent in a squat-like position. His back will be straight, shoulder blades depressed to keep head up and hand extended out in front of him onto the ground.

Pass Set - 1st Movement

Athlete will take his 1st rectilinear kick-step backwards keeping his head up and back depressed, elbows tight, and hands in the middle of his chest. Each step should be taken by forcing plantar flexion and keeping the weight bearing on the insteps. Athlete should keep an athletic knee bend with his back straight.

Pass Set - 2nd Movement

Athlete will then take a 2nd rectilinear kick-step keeping his head and shoulders back. Elbows are still tight and hands are still in the middle of his chest. Athlete should still have the same knee bend and straight back.

Pass Set - Finish

Athlete will then deliver a blow with his hands applying his maximum amount of force by fully extending his arms. This will be where the athlete takes on the specific weight of the defender.